关于「 eigenphi」的内容列表

EigenPhi: Sandwich attacks have exceeded $17 billion in the past month

On August 20, the MEV tracking site EigenPhi reported that sandwich attacks had exceeded $17 billion in the past month. Meanwhile, a new MEV contract has emerged that employs new tactics and a more sophisticated multi-layered mezzanine attack against the DeFi protocol - it arranges trades before and after victims' trades to manipulate prices and profit from victims. The bot is an automated trading system that exploits vulnerabilities in the DeFi protocol to generate profits. Its new attack invol...

2024-08-21 11:40:32

8月20日,MEV跟踪网站EigenPhi报告称,过去一个月三明治攻击金额已超过170亿美元。同时,一种新的MEV合约已经出现,它采用了新的策略和更复杂的针对DeFi协议的多层夹层攻击——它在受害者交易之前和之后安排交易,以操纵价格并从受害者身上获利。 该机器人是一个自动交易系统,利用DeFi协议中的漏洞来获取利润。它的新攻击涉及在同一个区块内执行多​​...

2024-08-21 11:40:32